Funnel is a toolkit for distributed task execution with a simple API.

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Simple API

A task describes metadata, state, input/output files, resource requests, commands, and logs.

The task API has four actions: create, get, list, and cancel.

Funnel serves both HTTP/JSON and gRPC/Protobuf.

Standards based

The Task API is developed via an open standard effort.


Given a task, Funnel will queue it, schedule it to a worker, and track its state and logs.

A worker will download input files, run a sequence of Docker containers, upload output files, and emits events and logs along the way.

Cross platform

We use Funnel on AWS, Google Cloud, OpenStack, and the good ol' university HPC cluster.


A wide variety of options make Funnel easily adaptable:

  • BoltDB
  • Elasticsearch
  • MongoDB
  • AWS Batch, S3, DynamoDB
  • OpenStack Swift
  • Google Cloud Storage, Datastore
  • Kafka
  • HPC support: HTCondor, Slurm, etc.
  • and more

A quick introduction

Define a task

A task describes metadata, state, input/output files, resource requests, commands, and logs.

For a full description of the task fields,
see the task API docs and the the task schema.

$ funnel examples hello-world
  "name": "Hello world",
  "description": "Demonstrates the most basic echo task.",
  "executors": [
      "image": "alpine",
      "command": ["echo", "hello world"],

Start a Funnel server

localhost:8000 is the HTTP API and web dashboard.

localhost:9090 is the gRPC API.

$ funnel server run
server               Server listening
httpPort             8000
rpcAddress           :9090

Create a task

The output is the task ID.

This example uses the development server, which will run the task locally via Docker.

$ funnel examples hello-world > hello-world.json
$ funnel task create hello-world.json

Get the task

The output is the task with state and logs.

By default, the CLI returns the "full" task view, which includes all logs plus stdout/err content.

$ funnel task get b8581farl6qjjnvdhqn0
  "id": "b8581farl6qjjnvdhqn0",
  "state": "COMPLETE",
  "name": "Hello world",
  "description": "Demonstrates the most basic echo task.",
  "executors": [
      "image": "alpine",
      "command": [
        "hello world"
  "logs": [
      "logs": [
          "startTime": "2017-11-13T21:35:57.548592769-08:00",
          "endTime": "2017-11-13T21:36:01.871905687-08:00",
          "stdout": "hello world\n"
      "startTime": "2017-11-13T21:35:57.547408797-08:00",
      "endTime": "2017-11-13T21:36:01.87496482-08:00"
  "creationTime": "2017-11-13T21:35:57.543528992-08:00"

List the tasks

$ funnel task list --view MINIMAL
  "tasks": [
      "id": "b8581farl6qjjnvdhqn0",
      "state": "COMPLETE"

Quickly create tasks

The "run" command makes it easy to quickly create a task. By default, commands are wrapped in "sh -c" and run in the "alpine" container.

Use the "--print" flag to print the task instead of running it immediately.

$ funnel run 'md5sum $src' --in src=~/src.txt --print
  "name": "sh -c 'md5sum $src'",
  "inputs": [
      "name": "src",
      "url": "file:///Users/buchanae/src.txt",
      "path": "/inputs/Users/buchanae/src.txt"
  "executors": [
      "image": "alpine",
      "command": [
        "md5sum $src"
      "env": {
        "src": "/inputs/Users/buchanae/src.txt"

Monitor tasks in the dashboard

Tasks can be monitored in a terminal dashboard.

$ funnel dashboard

There's also a web dashboard at http://localhost:8000

Connect to a remote server

Usually you'll want to use a remote Funnel server. For that, there are CLI flags and envionrment variables.

$ funnel -S task list
$ FUNNEL_SERVER="" funnel task list

Next Steps

There's a lot more to learn about tasks and Funnel. More information can be found in the docs and the CLI help.

View the docs

$ funnel help

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