
A task defines a unit of work:

The example task below downloads a file named hello.txt from S3 and calls cat hello.txt using the alpine container. This task also writes the executor’s stdout to a file, and uploads the stdout to s3.

  "name": "Hello world",
  "inputs": [{
    # URL to download file from.
    "url": "s3://funnel-bucket/hello.txt",
    # Path to download file to.
    "path": "/inputs/hello.txt"
  "outputs": [{
    # URL to upload file to.
    "url": "s3://funnel-bucket/output.txt",
    # Local path to upload file from.
    "path": "/outputs/stdout"
  "executors": [{
      # Container image name.
      "image": "alpine",
      # Command to run (argv).
      "command": ["cat", "/inputs/hello.txt"],
      # Capture the stdout of the command to /outputs/stdout
      "stdout": "/outputs/stdout"

Tasks have multiple “executors”; containers and commands run in a sequence. Funnel runs executors via Docker.

Tasks also have state and logs:

  "id": "b85khc2rl6qkqbhg8vig",
  "state": "COMPLETE",
  "name": "Hello world",
  "inputs": [
      "url": "s3://funnel-bucket/hello.txt",
      "path": "/inputs/hello.txt"
  "outputs": [
      "url": "s3://funnel-bucket/output.txt",
      "path": "/outputs/stdout"
  "executors": [
      "image": "alpine",
      "command": [
      "stdout": "/outputs/stdout"
  "logs": [
      "logs": [
          "startTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:05.127885125-08:00",
          "endTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:08.484461502-08:00",
          "stdout": "Hello, Funnel!\n"
      "startTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:04.433593468-08:00",
      "endTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:08.487707039-08:00"
  "creationTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:04.427163701-08:00"

There are logs for each task attempt and each executor. Notice that the stdout is conveniently captured by logs[0].logs[0].stdout.

Task API

The API lets you create, get, list, and cancel tasks.


POST /v1/tasks
  "name": "Hello world",
  "inputs": [{
    "url": "s3://funnel-bucket/hello.txt",
    "path": "/inputs/hello.txt"
  "outputs": [{
    "url": "s3://funnel-bucket/output.txt",
    "path": "/outputs/stdout"
  "executors": [{
      "image": "alpine",
      "command": ["cat", "/inputs/hello.txt"],
      "stdout": "/outputs/stdout"

# The response is a task ID:


GET /v1/tasks/b85khc2rl6qkqbhg8vig

{"id": "b85khc2rl6qkqbhg8vig", "state": "COMPLETE"}

By default, the minimal task view is returned which describes only the ID and state. In order to get the original task with some basic logs, use the “BASIC” task view:

GET /v1/tasks/b85khc2rl6qkqbhg8vig?view=BASIC
  "id": "b85khc2rl6qkqbhg8vig",
  "state": "COMPLETE",
  "name": "Hello world",
  "inputs": [
      "url": "gs://funnel-bucket/hello.txt",
      "path": "/inputs/hello.txt"
  "outputs": [
      "url": "s3://funnel-bucket/output.txt",
      "path": "/outputs/stdout"
  "executors": [
      "image": "alpine",
      "command": [
      "stdout": "/outputs/stdout",
  "logs": [
      "logs": [
          "startTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:05.127885125-08:00",
          "endTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:08.484461502-08:00",
      "startTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:04.433593468-08:00",
      "endTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:08.487707039-08:00"
  "creationTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:04.427163701-08:00"

The “BASIC” doesn’t include some fields such as stdout/err logs, because these fields may be potentially large. In order to get everything, use the “FULL” view:

GET /v1/tasks/b85khc2rl6qkqbhg8vig?view=FULL
  "id": "b85khc2rl6qkqbhg8vig",
  "state": "COMPLETE",
  "name": "Hello world",
  "inputs": [
      "url": "gs://funnel-bucket/hello.txt",
      "path": "/inputs/hello.txt"
  "executors": [
      "image": "alpine",
      "command": [
      "stdout": "/outputs/stdout",
  "logs": [
      "logs": [
          "startTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:05.127885125-08:00",
          "endTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:08.484461502-08:00",
          "stdout": "Hello, Funnel!\n"
      "startTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:04.433593468-08:00",
      "endTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:08.487707039-08:00"
  "creationTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:04.427163701-08:00"


GET /v1/tasks
  "tasks": [
      "id": "b85l8tirl6qkqbhg8vj0",
      "state": "COMPLETE"
      "id": "b85khc2rl6qkqbhg8vig",
      "state": "COMPLETE"
      "id": "b85kgt2rl6qkpuptua70",
      "state": "SYSTEM_ERROR"
      "id": "b857gnirl6qjfou61fh0",
      "state": "SYSTEM_ERROR"

List has the same task views as Get: MINIMAL, BASIC, and FULL.

The task list is paginated:

GET /v1/tasks?page_token=1h123h12j2h3k
  "next_page_token": "1n3n1j23k12n3k123",
  "tasks": [
      "id": "b85l8tirl6qkqbhg8vj0",
      "state": "COMPLETE"
    # ... more tasks here ...


Tasks cannot be modified by the user after creation, with one exception – they can be canceled.

POST /v1/tasks/b85l8tirl6qkqbhg8vj0:cancel

Full task spec

Here’s a more detailed description of a task.
For a full, in-depth spec, read the TES standard’s task_execution.proto.

    # The task's ID. Set by the server.
    # Output only.
    "id": "1234567",

    # The task's state. Possible states:
    #   QUEUED
    #   RUNNING
    #   PAUSED
    #   COMPLETE
    #   CANCELED
    # Output only.
    "state": "QUEUED",

    # Metadata
    "name":        "Task name.",
    "description": "Task description.",
    "tags": {
      "custom-tag-1": "tag-value-1",
      "custom-tag-2": "tag-value-2",

    # Resource requests
    "resources": {
      # Number of CPU cores requested.
      "cpuCores": 1,

      # RAM request, in gigabytes.
      "ramGb":    1.0,

      # Disk space request, in gigabytes.
      "diskGb":   100.0,

      # Request preemptible machines,
      # e.g. preemptible VM in Google Cloud, an instance from the AWS Spot Market, etc.
      "preemptible": false,

       # Request that the task run in these compute zones.
       "zones": ["zone1", "zone2"],

    # Input files will be downloaded by the worker.
    # This example uses s3, but Funnel supports multiple filesystems.
    "inputs": [
        "name": "Input file.",
        "description": "Input file description.",

        # URL to download file from.
        "url":  "s3://my-bucket/object/path/file.txt",
        # Path to download file to.
        "path": "/container/input.txt"
        "name": "Input directory.",
        "description": "Directories are also supported.",
        "url":  "s3://my-bucket/my-data/",
        "path": "/inputs/my-data/",
        "type": "DIRECTORY"

      # A task may include the file content directly in the task message.
      # This is sometimes useful for small files such as scripts,
      # which you want to include without talking directly to the filesystem.
        "path": "/inputs/script.py",
        "content": "import socket; print socket.gethostname()"

    # Output files will be uploaded to storage by the worker.
    "outputs": [
        "name": "Output file.",
        "description": "Output file description.",
        "url":  "s3://my-bucket/output-data/results.txt",
        "path": "/outputs/results.txt"
        "name": "Output directory.",
        "description": "Directories are also supported.",
        "url":  "s3://my-bucket/output-data/output-dir/",
        "path": "/outputs/data-dir/",
        "type": "DIRECTORY"

    # Executors define a sequence of containers + commands to run.
    # Execution stop on the first non-zero exit code.
    "executors": [
        # Container image name.
        # Funnel supports running executor containers via Docker.
        "image": "ubuntu",

        # Command arguments (argv).
        # The first item is the executable to run.
        "command": ["my-tool-1", "/container/input"],

        # Local file path to read stdin from.
        "stdin": "/inputs/stdin.txt",

        # Local file path to write stdout to.
        "stdout": "/container/output",

        # Local file path to write stderr to.
        "stderr": "/container/stderr",

        # Set the working directory before executing the command.
        "workdir": "/data/workdir",

        # Environment variables
        "env": {
          "ENV1": "value1",
          "ENV2": "value2",

      # Second executor runs after the first completes, on the same machine.
        "image": "ubuntu",
        "command": ["cat", "/container/input"],
        "stdout": "/container/output",
        "stderr": "/container/stderr",
        "workdir": "/tmp"

    # Date/time the task was created.
    # Set the the server.
    # Output only.
    "creationTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:04.427163701-08:00"

    # Task logs.
    # Output only.
    # If there's a system error, the task may be attempted multiple times,
    # so this field is a list of attempts. In most cases, there will be only
    # one or zero entries here.
    "logs": [

      # Attempt start/end times, in RFC3339 format.
      "startTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:04.433593468-08:00",
      "endTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:08.487707039-08:00"

      # Arbitrary metadata set by Funnel.
      "metadata": {
        "hostname": "worker-1",

      # Arbitrary system logs which Funnel thinks are useful to the user.
      "systemLogs": [
        "task was assigned to worker 1",
        "docker command: docker run -v /vol:/data alpine cmd arg1 arg2",

      # Log of files uploaded to storage by the worker,
      # including all files in directories, with file sizes.
      "outputs": [
          "url": "s3://my-bucket/output-data/results.txt",
          "path": "/outputs/results.txt",
          "sizeBytes": 123
          "url": "s3://my-bucket/output-data/output-dir/file1.txt",
          "path": "/outputs/data-dir/file1.txt",
          "sizeBytes": 123
          "url": "s3://my-bucket/output-data/output-dir/file2.txt",
          "path": "/outputs/data-dir/file2.txt",
          "sizeBytes": 123
          "url": "s3://my-bucket/output-data/output-dir/subdir/file3.txt",
          "path": "/outputs/data-dir/subdir/file3.txt",
          "sizeBytes": 123

      # Executor logs. One entry per executor.
      "logs": [
          # Executor start/end time, in RFC3339 format.
          "startTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:05.127885125-08:00",
          "endTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:08.484461502-08:00",

          # Executor stdout/err. Only available in the FULL task view.
          # There is a size limit for these fields, which is configurable
          # and defaults to 10KB. If more than 10KB is generated, only the
          # tail will be logged. If the full output is needed, the task
          # may use Executor.stdout and an output to upload the full content
          # to storage.
          "stdout": "Hello, Funnel!",
          "stderr": "",

          # Exit code
          "exit_code": 0,
          "startTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:05.127885125-08:00",
          "endTime": "2017-11-14T11:49:08.484461502-08:00",
          "stdout": "Hello, Funnel!\n"