
Funnel makes distributed, batch processing easier by providing a simple task API and a set of components which can easily adapted to a vareity of platforms.


A task defines a unit of work: metadata, input files to download, a sequence of Docker containers + commands to run, output files to upload, state, and logs. The API allows you to create, get, list, and cancel tasks.

Tasks are accessed via the funnel task command. There’s an HTTP client in the client package, and a set of utilities and a gRPC client in the proto/tes package.

There’s a lot more you can do with the task API. See the tasks docs for more.


The server serves the task API, web dashboard, and optionally runs a task scheduler. It serves both HTTP/JSON and gRPC/Protobuf.

The server is accessible via the funnel server command and the server package.


Storage provides access to file systems such as S3, Google Storage, and local filesystems. Tasks define locations where files should be downloaded from and uploaded to. Workers handle the downloading/uploading.

See the storage docs for more information on configuring storage backends. The storage clients are available in the storage package.


A worker is reponsible for executing a task. There is one worker per task. A worker:

Along the way, the worker writes logs to event streams and databases:

The worker is accessible via the funnel worker command and the worker package.

Node Scheduler

A node is a service that stays online and manages a pool of task workers. A Funnel cluster runs a node on each VM. Nodes communicate with a Funnel scheduler, which assigns tasks to nodes based on available resources. Nodes handle starting workers when for each assigned task.

Nodes aren’t always required. In some cases it often makes sense to rely on an existing, external system for scheduling tasks and managing cluster resources, such as AWS Batch or HPC systems like HTCondor, Slurm, Grid Engine, etc. Funnel provides integration with these services that doesn’t include nodes or scheduling by Funnel.

See Deploying a cluster for more information about running a cluster of nodes.

The node is accessible via the funnel node command and the scheduler package.